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Plumbing Heating Cooling
Plumbing Heating Cooling

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Toilet Replacements and Repairs
Toilet making the wrong sounds? Toilet can last a long time but they do need service ever couple of years. Toilets have parts that wear out but the good news is they are usually not too expensive and easy to replace. If you thinking about repairing one toilet you might consider doing the same to all your toilets so you can save on labor in the long run.
Maybe that trusted old toilet have told its story? If you looking for a new replacement we have them in stock and ready for same day installation. Toilet replacements are usually easy to perform and take about 1 hour. If you looking to make a statement with a fancy toilet, we would be willing to install any toilet you pick up and your home improvement centers.
#1 Basic Round White Toilet
This is a quality basic round toilet.
Round Front Toilet (means the opening is in the shape of a circle.
1.6 gallons of water per flush.
Vitreous China Tank and Bowl.
Color: White
Includes: Tank, bowl and seat.
12" rough-in size.*

#2 Basic Elongated White Toilet
This is a quality white elongated toilet.
Elongated Front Toilet (means the bowl opening is in the shape of a oval (oval toilets are considered by some to be better)
1.6 gallons of water per flush.
Vitreous China Tank and Bowl.
Color: White
Includes: Tank, bowl and seat.
12" rough-in size.*

#3 Basic Elongated Tall White Toilet ADA
This is a quality elongated and taller that normal toilet.
Elongated Tall Front Toilet (means the bowl opening is in the shape of a oval (oval toilets are considered by some to be better)
Taller - the rim of the toilet is 16-3/4 from the floor (not including the seat) which is 2 inches higher than normal toilets.
1.6 gallons of water per flush.
Vitreous China Tank and Bowl.
Color: White
Includes: Tank, bowl and seat.
12" rough-in size.*
ADA Compliant. (means used in commercial situations)

* Round in size means the distance from the wall to the bolts that holdl the toilet down to the floor. The bolts are under the dome shaped covers on each side of the toilet base. Most toilets (95%) has a standard 12" round measurement, others are 10". 10# round toilets usually cost more and are difficult to find.
** Installation price is for a normal installation. This means the toilet can be accessed and removed without difficulty.
Problems that can arise when removing an existing toilet are:
Toilet is covered by a counter or shelf.
Toilet is grouted for attached to the floor with something other than standard caulking.
Toilet flange is damaged and needs repairs or replacement. This is the fitting that the toilet attaches to your plumbing under the toilet.
Toilet floor is damaged and unable to support toilet (usually mobile homes with weaken wood).